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New Testament Ideas and Definitions


  1. Authors and books of the New Testament
  2. Interesting facts about the NT
    1. Why was the New Testament originally written in Greek?
    2. Do original copies of the New Testament books exist?
    3. The New Testament Apocrypha: The books not chosen to be in the New Testament: why not and what are they?
    4. When were the chapters and verses added to the New Testament?
  3. Various definitions of words and ideas used in Christianity

1. Authors and books of the NT

The NT consists of 27 books. Some of the books are long—many pages in length—and some are short—less than a page long. Nevertheless, they are all referred to as “books.” They can be divided into 2 different lists: types of books and authors of the books.

Type of book Number
Gospel   4
History   1
Letters   21
(tells about future events)

Author of the books  Number of Books Authored  Apostle?
 No, but he traveled with Peter and so was linked to an Apostle
 No, but he traveled with Paul and so was linked to an Apostle
 No, but the author was a student of Paul's and so that is the link to an Apostle
 No, but he was the half-brother of Jesus (more on that in the book of James)
 No, but he was the half-brother of Jesus and the brother of James (above)(more on that in the book of James)

Note: Some New Testament scholars believe other people wrote some of the books; this is covered in the individual books.

Also, the question has to be asked: Why are the New Testament books arranged the way they are? (Note: the following is an educated guess: the early church leaders did not leave a record of why they arranged the New Testament books in the order we have.)

2. Interesting facts about the New Testament

A. Why was the NT originally written in Greek: The Pax Romana discussion in "The Roman World" mentioned that Greek was the most widely used language in the Roman Empire in the First Century A.D. Therefore, the writers of the NT wrote all their books in Greek. The language of the Jews in Israel at that time and the language that Jesus used was Aramaic. But, since the early church leaders wanted everyone in the Roman Empire to be able to read their books, they wrote in Greek. A few Aramaic words are still in the NT, though: Matthew 27:46 is one example of a verse that has Aramaic words.

B. Do original copies of the NT books exist?: None of the original copies of the NT books have been discovered. Whenever one church or an individual received a copy, if they could afford it, they made one or more copies and passed those to other churches. But none of the original copies have been discovered (although a piece of a copy of the original Gospel of John may have been discovered; this is discussed in the Gospel of John). What scholars have discovered are copies of copies of the original copies, and copies of copies of copies of the original copies, etc. Almost 175 of these copies of various NT books have been discovered that were written before the year 400.

C. Timing of the New Testament books: These twenty-seven letters were written over a 50-year period. The first book to be written was probably James around 48, and the last book to be written was either Jude, II John, or III John in the late 90s (in my opinion).

D. NT Apocrypha

How to pronounce:

A po cry pha
a like in "about" po like in "popcorn" cri like in "crib" pha like in "fun"

The NT consists of 27 books, but in the 200 years after Jesus different people wrote around 125 writings that claimed to be Christian-based (this includes the 27 NT books). You can find a listing of most of these books here (this list does not include the 27 book of the NT). Most of these writings came from people who wanted to change the message of Jesus and so created new books for their new religions. Therefore, out of all 150 or so books that claimed to be from God (the apocrypha plus the true 27 NT books), the early church leaders had to figure out which of these books were truly from God and which were made up. The listing here is of books the early church leaders decided were made up by people who wanted to start alternative religions and therefore were not true. The main criterion they used was the authorship of each book. If the author or the information came from an Apostle (either written by an Apostle or a close follower of an Apostle) or from one of Jesus’ half-brothers (more about this in the book of James) then the book was included in the NT.

The early Christians may have gotten this idea from the Jews and the Old Testament. All the books of the OT are linked to prophets to ensure they are from God. We discussed earlier how Malachi was the last prophet, and so no books in the OT come after Malachi. (The Catholic and Orthodox Bibles do contain more books, but more on that later.) The early Christians decided to use the Apostles as the measure of trustworthiness. If a letter originated from an Apostle or one of Jesus’ half-brothers, then the letter could be trusted. Only 27 writings fit this criterion, and so there are only 27 books are in the NT. All the books that claimed to be Christian but were not are known as NT Apocrypha.

3. Definitions

A. Many different Christian denominations exist. My doctorate degree is in Church History, and, after studying Church History for 30 years, I developed a list of common beliefs that all Christian groups share. So, in order for a person or group to be considered Christian (in my opinion), he, she, or the group accepts these basic nine ideas (some slight variations do occur):

  1. Trinity
  2. Incarnation
  3. Virgin Birth of Jesus
  4. Jesus crucified, buried, rose from dead
    • This includes ideas such as salvation, forgiveness of sin, etc.
  5. Everyone is separated from God from childbirth and, therefore, needs to choose to become a Christian.
  6. Jesus left the church behind for Christians to join.
  7. Attempt to love everyone.
  8. Attempt to live a life that is pleasing to God.
  9. Accept Scripture as divinely inspired.

B. The title that God gave for himself in the OT is Yahweh. This web page explains why LORD (all capital letters) is used in the OT. ("LORD" is found over 6000 times in the OT. "Lord" is also found but it means something different): go here

C. When the NT books were written the authors did not use chapters and verses like we have in the NT today. Read this web page to discover when the chapters and verses were added: go here.

D. Many Christians use a fish symbol to symbolize Christianity. But why a fish symbol? Go here.

E. Many Christians do not fully understand 8 words that are frequently used in churches. Go here to learn what these words really mean.

F. Finally, I used to wonder why Christianity has one Bible yet so many different denominations. After thinking about it for 20 years, I developed this one-word concept that explains it. This is just my opinion, but it has worked out in every situation that I have experienced: go here.

Timeline so far

Year Event
63 B.C. Romans conquer Israel.
27 B.C. Pax Romana began and lasted until A.D. 180.
All dates after this are A.D. ["c." means "about"]
64 Fire in Rome and Christians persecuted by Emperor Nero; Peter crucified upside down and Paul beheaded.
70 Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Romans (it has not been rebuilt).
95 Persecution by Emperor Domitian; Apostle John exiled on island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation.
96 Emperor Domitian died; Apostle John probably moved to Ephesus.
c.100 Aposlte John died; he was the last Apostle to die.
390's NT canon "closed" at Councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397).
1200's Chapters added to the New Testament.
1500's Verses added to the New Testament.

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©2017, 2019 Mark Nickens