Trinitas Bible Institute

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Want to learn more about the Bible and Christianity?

Free, low stress, online, and Zoom classes available
for your church or Bible study

Available Classes

  • Bible classes
    • Old Testament Overview
    • New Testament Overview

  • Church History
    • All 2000 years of Church History

  • How we got the Bible and Apocrypha
    • New Testament Canonization
    • New Testament Apocrypha
    • Old Testament Canonization and Apocrypha

  • Christian growth
    • Developing a deeper Christian maturity

    General information

    • Dr. Nickens will design a class for your church group or Bible study.
    • Cost: free
    • Time: 3-5 hours per week
    • Length: 4 - 8 weeks depending on the class
    • Format: Your choice: Either completely online or Zoom options available
    • Start date: Your choice


    • Work at your own speed
    • Work when you want: No meetings you have to attend.
    • Assignments: Only forums and simple (open notes) quizzes.
      • No papers!
    • Take each quiz as many times as you like.
    • Each week runs from Monday morning to Sunday midnight.

    • If you decide you don't like a class, simply stop attending with no questions asked.
    • This small school is not accredited and no certificates are given. It is only for those Christians who want to learn more--for personal and spiritual gain--about the Bible and Church History.

    • Even if you have studied the Bible for years, you will still be fascinated with what you learn in these classes. For example:
      • From the Old Testament: why is LORD capitalized over 6000 times in the Old Testament?
      • From the New Testament: What is the origin of the fish symbol for Christianity? Why are Paul's letters arranged the way they are? Why are the books of the New Testament arranged the way they are?
      • From Church History: Why do we have one Bible and yet so many different Christian groups (over 5000)?
      • From the Canonization classes: When were the chapters and verses added?

    Dr. Mark Nickens has taught traditional classes (150+) since 1999 and online classes (200+) since 2008. This includes a wide variety of Bible, Church History, and World Religion classes at 20 schools in the USA, Belize, Nigeria, Kenya, and Asia. For more biographic information, go here

    Comments from previous students

    • Thanks Mark, I am really encouraged by this course. The content is awesome, learning a lot.
    • This class is really clearing up some of the questions I had.
    • I have been learning so much and have gone on so many rabbit trails on your website. It's quite amazing!
    • I’m really enjoying the class; thank you for including the links for the extra reading and timelines!!
    • I am really enjoying the class. Thank you very much for offering this class. I have enjoyed learning and the discussions. And the format is very easy to manage your daily life while going through the class.
    • It is very good. The teachings are making my quiet time and personal Bible study a lot more meaningful. It is giving a much deeper insights. It is like a jigsaw puzzle, all coming together to see God's ultimate plans...thank you so much. I look forward to each week.
    • This study cleared up some things that were not clear for me in the past.
    • The information was well written and was easily understood I was concerned that it would be over my head, which was not the case.
    • The notes in brief that you give to class are very rich in summery form.
    • I really learnt so much from this class. I liked the fact that you made it very convenient. It didn't require me to do it on one particular day.
    • I especially like that we had an entire week to do the readings and make the responses. Some weeks were very busy for me but having that time allowed me to get everything completed.
    • I need a mountain to stand on and proclaim these revelations. My perspective is changed on how I see God. Thank you Mark Nickens.
    • I like the studies, may God bless Dr. Mark Nickens for opening such a big opportunity to advance our Bible knowledge.
    • The class is wow, how I wish the same style is duplicated in our today's systems of learning.
    • The class is an eye opener.
    • (Received while she took the Old Testament class. She gave her age as 80+.) I have learned more about the Old Testament in this course than the many years of attending church and taking courses.
    • (After taking 6 classes) Thank you Dr. Nickens, I loved the classes, they were so organized and easy to access, and the information was awesome.
    • When my granddaughters suggested I might enjoy taking it, I was reluctant to try it as my computer skills are not the best. . . . The format of the course was laid out in such a logical manner that it made learning not only informative but also enjoyable. Each week I became more and more eager to learn the new content in that week's Forum. This class deserves an A+! Thank you so much for such an enjoyable experience! I would be very interested in joining any other classes you offer!

"... they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily ..." From Acts 17:11

How do I

For questions or to join a class,
email Dr. Mark Nickens:

Dr. Nickens

He graduated with a Ph.D. in 1999 and has taught online since 2009. To learn more, go here

Trinitas Bible Institute

"Trinitas" is Latin for "Trinity."
Not a school, but a place to learn more about the Bible and Christianity in a stress-free environment. Note: No diplomas or certficiates are given. These classes are intended for personal spiritual growth only.

Questions? Comments?
Contact Dr. Mark Nickens