List of New Testament Apocrypha
In the 200 years after Jesus approximately 100 books/letters/writings appeared that claimed to have a connection to Jesus or Christianity.
Nag Hammadi: discovered in 1945 in Egypt: to read these go here
- Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
- The First Apocalypse of James
- The Second Apocalypse of James
- The Apocalypse of Paul
- Coptic Apocalypse of Paul
- The Apocalypse of Peter
- The Apocryphon ("secret writing") of James
- The Apocryphon of John
- The Book of Thomas the Contender
- The Dialogue of the Savior
- The Gospel of Philip
- The Gospel of Thomas
- The Gospel of Truth
- The Interpretation of Knowledge
- Pistis Sophia
- Allogenes
- Second Treatise of the Great Seth
- The Letter of Peter to Philip
- Melchizedek
- On the Anointing
- On the Baptism A
- On the Baptism B
- On the Eucharist A
- The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
- The Prayer of Thanksgiving
- The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ
- The Teachings of Silvanus
- The Testimony of Truth
- The Thought of Norea
- The Treatise on the Resurrection
- Trimorphic Pretennoia
- The Tripartite Tractate
- A Valentinian Exposition
Gospel of Judas: to read it go here
Other NT Apocrypha: to read them go here and here
- Protoevangelium (Infancy Gospel) of James
- Contains the first reference to the perpetual virginity of Mary
- Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (Infancy Gospel of Matthew)
- Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
- The History of Joseph the Carpenter
- Life of John the Baptist
- The Arabic Infancy Gospel of the Savior
- The Gospel of Nicodemus: the Acts of Pilate and the Descent of Christ into Hell
- Gospel of the Ebionites
- Gospel of the Hebrews
- Gospel of the Nazarenes
- Gospel of Matthias
- Gospel of the Seventy
- Gospel of Thaddaeus
- Gospel of the Twelve
- Gospel of Mani
- Gospel of Apelles
- Gospel of Bardesanes
- Gospel of Basilides
- Gospel of Peter
- Gospel of Bartholomew
- Gospel of the Egyptians
- Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians
- Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem (on the Life and Passion of Christ)
- The Letter of Pontius Pilate, Which He Wrote to the Roman Emperor, Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Report of Pilate
- The Acts of Pilate
- The Giving Up of Pilate
- The Death of Pilate
- The Narrative of Joseph
- The Avenging of the Savior
- Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
- Acts of Paul and Thecla
- Acts of Barnabus
- Acts of Philip
- Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew
- Acts of Andrew and Matthias
- Acts of Peter and Andrew
- Acts of Andrew
- Acts of the Martyrs
- Acts of Paul
- Acts of Peter
- Acts of Peter and the Twelve
- Acts of Timothy
- Acts of Thomas
- Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew the Apostle
- Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas: when he went to India
- Consummation of Thomas the Apostle
- Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
- Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus
- Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
- Revelation of Moses
- Revelation of Esdras
- Coptic Revelation of Paul
- The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary
- The Passing of Mary
- The Decretals: Letters to different Popes
- Memoirs of Edessa and Other Ancient Syrian Documents
- Example, The Teaching of the Apostles, The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
- Abgar’s letter to Jesus; Answer to Abgar’s letter which Thomas wrote upon the command of Jesus
- The Apocalypse of the Virgin
- Apocalypse of Thomas
- Apocalypse of Stephen
- Liturgy of James
Additional NT Apocrypha
- Gospel of Barnabas
- Epistle of Barnabas