List of New Testament Apocrypha

In the 200 years after Jesus approximately 100 books/letters/writings appeared that claimed to have a connection to Jesus or Christianity.

Nag Hammadi: discovered in 1945 in Egypt: to read these go here

  1. Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
  2. The First Apocalypse of James
  3. The Second Apocalypse of James
  4. The Apocalypse of Paul
  5. Coptic Apocalypse of Paul
  6. The Apocalypse of Peter
  7. The Apocryphon ("secret writing") of James
  8. The Apocryphon of John
  9. The Book of Thomas the Contender
  10. The Dialogue of the Savior
  11. The Gospel of Philip
  12. The Gospel of Thomas
  13. The Gospel of Truth
  14. The Interpretation of Knowledge
  15. Pistis Sophia
  16. Allogenes
  17. Second Treatise of the Great Seth
  18. The Letter of Peter to Philip
  19. Melchizedek
  20. On the Anointing
  21. On the Baptism A
  22. On the Baptism B
  23. On the Eucharist A
  24. The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
  25. The Prayer of Thanksgiving
  26. The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ
  27. The Teachings of Silvanus
  28. The Testimony of Truth
  29. The Thought of Norea
  30. The Treatise on the Resurrection
  31. Trimorphic Pretennoia
  32. The Tripartite Tractate
  33. A Valentinian Exposition

Gospel of Judas: to read it go here

Other NT Apocrypha: to read them go here and here

  1. Protoevangelium (Infancy Gospel) of James
  2. Contains the first reference to the perpetual virginity of Mary
  3. Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (Infancy Gospel of Matthew)
  4. Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
  5. The History of Joseph the Carpenter
  6. Life of John the Baptist
  7. The Arabic Infancy Gospel of the Savior
  8. The Gospel of Nicodemus: the Acts of Pilate and the Descent of Christ into Hell
  9. Gospel of the Ebionites
  10. Gospel of the Hebrews
  11. Gospel of the Nazarenes
  12. Gospel of Matthias
  13. Gospel of the Seventy
  14. Gospel of Thaddaeus
  15. Gospel of the Twelve
  16. Gospel of Mani
  17. Gospel of Apelles
  18. Gospel of Bardesanes
  19. Gospel of Basilides
  20. Gospel of Peter
  21. Gospel of Bartholomew
  22. Gospel of the Egyptians
  23. Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians
  24. Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem (on the Life and Passion of Christ)
  25. The Letter of Pontius Pilate, Which He Wrote to the Roman Emperor, Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ
  26. The Report of Pilate
  27. The Acts of Pilate
  28. The Giving Up of Pilate
  29. The Death of Pilate
  30. The Narrative of Joseph
  31. The Avenging of the Savior
  32. Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
  33. Acts of Paul and Thecla
  34. Acts of Barnabus
  35. Acts of Philip
  36. Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew
  37. Acts of Andrew and Matthias
  38. Acts of Peter and Andrew
  39. Acts of Andrew
  40. Acts of the Martyrs
  41. Acts of Paul
  42. Acts of Peter
  43. Acts of Peter and the Twelve
  44. Acts of Timothy
  45. Acts of Thomas
  46. Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew the Apostle
  47. Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas: when he went to India
  48. Consummation of Thomas the Apostle
  49. Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
  50. Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus
  51. Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
  52. Revelation of Moses
  53. Revelation of Esdras
  54. Coptic Revelation of Paul
  55. The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary
  56. The Passing of Mary
  57. The Decretals: Letters to different Popes
  58. Memoirs of Edessa and Other Ancient Syrian Documents
    • Example, The Teaching of the Apostles, The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
    • Abgar’s letter to Jesus; Answer to Abgar’s letter which Thomas wrote upon the command of Jesus
  59. The Apocalypse of the Virgin
  60. Apocalypse of Thomas
  61. Apocalypse of Stephen
  62. Liturgy of James

Additional NT Apocrypha