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The Minor Prophets

A reminder about prophets

Reminder: All these prophets lived after the time of Solomon.

Note: All dates are approximate.

Timeline for Major and Minor Prophets

Repeated from the Major Prophets section

Unknown date: Joel, Obadiah

950 BD: Solomon's Temple built (this is the first Temple)

900 - 800 BC: No writing prophets, although prophets did live during this time.

800 - 700 BC: Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah

700 - 600 BC: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah

600 - 500 BC: Jeremiah (started before 600 BC), Ezekial, Haggai, Zachariah

500 - 450 BC: Malachi

Note: Other prophets certainly lived during this time. But only the 15 prophets above wrote books (or their followers recorded their prophecies).


14 chapters

Date: 750 BC


He wrote against Israel


Theme: The kingdom would be defeated by the Assyrians unless the Jews repent from following other gods. As we know, the Jews did not repent, and the Assyrians defeated them in 732 BC.


3 chapters

Date: The book gives no indication of when it was written. (No kings or other events are mentioned.)


He wrote probably against Judah


Theme: Joel states this is because of punishment and calls on people to repent.


9 chapters

Date: 760-750 BC


Theme: Social justice; against those who are wealthy and have turned their eyes from the poor, both from Israel and other nations.


1 chapter

Date: The book gives no indication of when it was written. (No kings or other events are mentioned.) It does mention that Edom was glad over the fall of Judah to the Babylonians and even looted the Jews belongs after the Babylonians had defeated them, and God would punich them for this.

He was from: Unknown

He wrote against the kingdom of Edom; he was one of the prophets who did not write against Jews.

Theme: Edom did not aid but instead looted Judah. God would punish them.


4 chapters

Date: late 775 BC

He was from Israel

He wrote against Nineveh (in Assyria at that time); he was one of the prophets who did not write against Jews.


Theme: Ninevah was warned that they needed to follow God, and they did after Jonah preached to them.


7 chapters

Date: 740 BC (before the destruction of Israel because he warns of its destruction)


He wrote against Israel and Judah

Theme: Due to their disobedience, Israel and Judah would fall. God would restore His people.

Popular verse: 6:8: "He has showed you what is good. And what does the LORD require? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."


3 chapters

Date: 625 BC

He was from: Unknown

He wrote against Nineveh, capital of Assyria (Jonah also prophesied against Ninevah, although about 150 years earlier)


Theme: Assyria would be defeated.


3 chapters

Date: probably in the 600s BC

We do not know anything about him, although a good quess is that he was from Judah.

He wrote against Judah


Theme: Babylon will defeat Judah and then Babylon will be punished.


3 chapters

Date: 625 BC
