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Paul's theology (or understanding how God worked)

Peter was the main leader from the death of Jesus (around the year 30) to the Council of Jerusalem. Paul then became the main leader of the young Christian movement around the year 50 (after the Council of Jerusalem) because he had the correct understanding of the message of Jesus for the Gentiles. That may sound odd, but usually movements begin with one person or a group of people, and only later do other people fully understand the movement. For example, consider these countries, when they received their freedom, and when their constitutions were written:

The same process happened in Christianity. Peter and the other Apostles traveled with Jesus and began the new Christian movement, but it took Paul (at a later time) to fully understand the message of Jesus. Another way to see this process: Peter played an important role in the development of Christianity and Paul played a different role, just like those who fight to start a country have different skills than those who write the constitution of a country.

In order to fully understand the message of Jesus, though, we have to examine the message of the entire Bible. That means we have to understand how Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Peter, Paul, and the Holy Spirit are connected. And in the process you will understand that Jesus’ message really tied the OT and the NT together and what he meant when he said that he came to "fulfill" the Law and Prophets.


God and Abraham formed a Covenant around 1950 B.C. In that Covenant, God told Abraham to begin the practice of circumcision for all baby boys at 8 days of age. God’s people, who became known as the Jews, continued that practice. The Covenant established the people of God (the Jews in the OT).

(I like the word "established" because it means it started the people of God and it was used to allow people (with circumcision for men) to become part of the people of God before Jesus.)


In the Old Testament, God gave the Law to Moses around 1450 B.C. (some scholars believe closer to 1250 B.C., but the date doesn't matter for this lesson). This Law consisted of rules for living (such as the 10 Commandments), sacrifices, worship, etc. The Law taught the people of God (the Jews in the Old Testament) how to live. The Law of Moses contains 613 laws: the 10 Commandments plus 603 other laws.

Jesus part 1

By the time of Jesus, the Jews had practiced both the Covenant (with its ruling on infant male circumcision) and the Law for around 1500 years. Jesus was born a Jew, and he was circumcised and followed the Law of Moses. Later, after Jesus was baptized, he began to preach. Jesus preached for about 3 years. In all those years he did not say not to follow the Covenant (and circumcision) and not to follow the Law. The only comment he made about them was in the Sermon in the Mount: Matthew 5:17: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

When he mentioned the Law, Jews would have understood that this included the Covenant with circumcision as well. But what did it mean to “fulfill” the Law? No one understood while Jesus was alive. We will move on and come back to that later.


He traveled with Jesus for three years and was one of the Original Apostles. He was also a Jew. Before he met Jesus, since Peter was a Jew, he believed that males needed to be circumcised (the Covenant) and everyone needed to follow the Law in order to please God. The Jews had practiced that for 1500 years. Jesus did not say to stop either of them, so Peter believed those two were necessary to please God. After Jesus ascended to heaven, Peter continued to believe that males needed to be circumcised and everyone needed to follow the Law. (Because Jesus had never said to stop.) . But now he added “belief in Jesus” to that. So for Peter, that meant there were three steps to pleasing God:

  1. Circumcision, if male;
  2. Follow the Law; and
  3. Believe in Jesus (and to follow his teachings).

This just made sense to Peter. Therefore, Gentiles had to become Jews before becoming Christian. Jesus did not tell the Apostles to stop circumcision and to stop following the Law, and so they didn’t. Jesus did say that he came to fulfill them, but neither Peter nor the other original Apostles really understood what that meant. That was OK at that time because Peter did have one great contribution to the young Christian movement: courage.

Everyone knows people who are courageous, and even people who will do crazy things, but Peter’s courage was beyond that. Here are three stories from Peter’s life to show his incredible courage. (You can skip these three examples if you want to.)

  1. Peter and the apostles were with Jesus on the night when he was arrested. Jesus began to pray, and he prayed long into the night. After it was dark, Judas, soldiers, and others approached Jesus to arrest him. Peter had a sword and swung it: he was only able to cut the ear off of one of the servants. But think about it this way: Peter was not a soldier, yet he was willing to attack a group of trained soldiers in the middle of the night with only one sword so that he could protect Jesus. And he was such a terrible swordsman that all he could do was to cut someone’s ear off. Think about it: if someone is standing in front of you, and all you can do is cut off his ear, that shows what a terrible swordsman you are. So Peter was a horrible swordsman, but he decided to defend Jesus anyway. That took a great amount of courage, because Peter probably thought he was going to die fighting to protect Jesus.
  2. After Jesus was arrested, he was taken to the house of the High Priest. Peter and John followed. John was probably a teenager at that time and so no one noticed him. The house had a courtyard in the middle of it, and Peter went into the courtyard. Three different people accused Peter of being one of Jesus’ followers, but each time Peter denied that he knew Jesus. Then Jesus looked at Peter and Peter left the house weeping.
    • Christians have long used this story to show that Peter denied Jesus at a time when Jesus needed him the most. But this is my question: where were the other Apostles? John was there, but he was young and so was not in considered dangerous. But the other Apostles fled to safety. Only Peter followed Jesus to the house of the High Priest and even went inside to the courtyard in the middle of the house. Yes, Peter did deny Jesus, but at least he was there. That took great courage.
  3. After Jesus ascended out of view from the Apostles, they returned to Jerusalem. Think about their situation: their leader (Jesus) had just been crucified, and they probably all thought they were in danger of being arrested and crucified. So their plan was to stay out of sight and not be noticed. Then the day of Pentecost came and many people noticed that they were speaking in tongues. If you think about it from the Apostles’ viewpoint, the worse had happened: they were discovered. What did Peter do? He went out and preached to the crowd. He was probably thinking that he would speak, be arrested, and be crucified, but he spoke to the crowd anyway. Once again that took great courage.

These examples show that Peter had great courage, and that was the quality that the young Christian movement and God needed at that time. Jesus, their leader, had been killed in a gruesome way, and the movement needed someone with an immense amount of courage who would say: “Follow my example: let’s go!” Therefore, Peter had the right quality at the right time. He did not have the full understanding, but he was able to get the movement started. But, from the example at the top, just like a constitution comes after the nation is formed, the proper understanding would appear in the person of Paul 20 years later.


Paul was a courageous man also, but his main contribution was his clear understanding of the purpose of Jesus. Paul realized what Jesus meant when Jesus said that he came to “fulfill” the Law. Paul understood that the Covenant and Law were not deleted, but Jesus "improved" them. But how did he do that?

Think back to the purpose of the Covenant and the Law:

In his writings, and perhaps at the Council of Jerusalem, Paul used Abraham to prove that Gentiles did not need to be circumcised (if male) nor follow the Law of Moses in order to be a Christian. How did he do that? You can answer that for yourself by answering these two questions (think carefully before answering):

1. Did Abraham follow the Law of Moses? No, of course not. How do we know? Because Abraham lived 500 years before Moses. Therefore, Paul pointed out, if a person is to please God like Abraham did, he/she does not need to follow the Law of Moses (which includes the 10 Commandments) but only have faith in God like Abraham did.

2. Was Abraham circumcised before or after he believed in God? He was circumcised after he believed in God. Therefore, Paul would say, all a Gentile needs to do to please God is to believe in God. He said as much in Romans 1:17: "Abraham believed in God and it was credited to him as righteousness [he was pleasing to God]."

Jesus part 2

Let us go back to the Sermon on the Mount, which I pointed out earlier where Jesus made his statement about fulfilling the Law and Prophets, he used two of the 10 Commandments to explain what “fulfill” meant. Peter didn’t understand it, but Paul did. Jesus mentions the two Commandments I mentioned above, points out that they are inadequate, and describes how he is enlarging their meaning:

In these two passages, Jesus shows that following the 10 Commandments, and by extension the Law, is no longer sufficient. After him people will be held to a higher standard, that of loving others. When Jesus said he was going to fulfill the Law and Prophets, he meant that he was going to raise the standard or raise the bar. So he did not do away with the Law and Prophets, but he built on them and expected even more from people. But in all fairness, how could he require more of people who came after him than people in the OT?

Holy Spirit

This is possible because of the Holy Spirit. Remember back to a discussion on the Trinity, that the role of the Holy Spirit is to teach. After the time of Jesus, the standard will be raised because the Holy Spirit will teach and remind people how God wants them to live. Jesus mentioned this in John 16:7,8: “But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor [meaning the Holy Spirit] will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness [meaning how to live] and judgment."

Jesus explained that after he left the Holy Spirit would come to those who believe in him. That is how it is possible to not focus on the Law (incuding the 10 Commandments), because the Holy Spirit teaches each believer in Jesus. That is why Christians no longer need to focus on following the 10 Commandments or the rest of the Law: the Holy Spirit teaches them to love everyone and so they don’t need a written law that requires them to do less (love vs. do not kill). This is not to say that Christians should not read the Old Testament, because the nature of God has not changed and the Old Testament describes much of God, but the nature of the relationship between people and God has changed, and so people no longer need or should focus on following requirements of the Law but should lean on following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Abraham Abraham and God agreed on a Covenant, which included circumcision for all males.
  -This established the People of God.
Moses God gave the 10 Commandments and many other laws (over 600) for the Jews to follow.
  -This told the People of God how to live.
Jesus He said that he came to fulfill the Law and by extension the Covenant
  -The Original Apostles did not fully understand him.
Peter He thought a Christian should be circumcised (if male), follow the Law, and believe in Jesus.
  -He did not fully understand “fulfill”, but that didn’t matter because his main contribution was courage.
Paul He did fully understand Jesus’ purpose and what Jesus meant by “fulfill": God desires faith and not circumcision nor for people to follow the Law.
  -He became the main Christian leader after the Council of Jerusalem in A.D. 50.
Holy Spirit Jesus actually said what Paul came to understand later:
  -Circumcision was replaced with true faith.
  -The Law was replaced by the Holy Spirit, who teaches Christians.
Therefore Before Jesus: the Covenant with circumcision and the Law was in effect (in the Old Testament period)
After Jesus: a person only needs faith in Jesus and the Holy Spirit would then teach the Christian how to live.

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©2016, 2019 Mark Nickens