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The Gospel of Mark


Place and Time of Writing

Unique Characteristics



Details about the Gospel of Mark

1. Jesus seems to be in a hurry

2. Miracles are numerous in the Gospel of Mark

Outline of Mark (chapters)

  1. Discussion of John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptized and called his first Apostles, and Jesus performs miracles.
  2. Jesus performs a miracle and answers questions.
  3. The crowds who follow Jesus grow larger, Jesus appoints his 12 Apostles, Jesus answers questions, and Jesus confronts his family (who want him to stop).
  4. Jesus tells parables and performs a miracle.
  5. Jesus performs miracles.
  6. Jesus teaches, sends out the 12 Apostles, John the Baptist is beheaded, and Jesus performs miracles.
  7. Jesus answers questions and performs miracles.
  8. Jesus performs miracles, warns his Apostles, predicts his death, and Peter declares that Jesus is the Christ.
  9. The Transfiguration and Jesus performs a miracle and answers questions.
  10. Jesus discusses divorce, has little children come to him, and invites a rich young man to join him (he declined). Note: these are the same events found in Matthew 19, which helps to show that the Gospels shared information, i.e., are Synoptic Gospels. Jesus also has a conversation with his Apostles and performs a miracle.
  11. The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (which occurs one week before Jesus is crucified).
  12. 11-16: These chapters discuss the events and teachings of Jesus in the last week of his life. He remains in or close by Jerusalem. It ends as Matthew ends: with Jesus on a hilltop with his 11 Apostles and then he ascends out of sight.

Questions with answers

Timeline up to the Gospel of Mark

Year Event
63 B.C. Romans conquer Israel.
27 B.C. Pax Romana began and lasted until 180.
4 B.C. Jesus born.
All dates after this are A.D. ["c." means "about"]
c.27 Jesus baptized.
c.30 Jesus crucified, buried, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven.
64 Fire in Rome and Christians persecuted by Emperor Nero; Peter crucified upside down and Paul beheaded.
c.67 Gospel of Mark written.
70 Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Romans (it has not been rebuilt).
c.80 Gospel of Matthew written.
95 Persecution by Emperor Domitian; Apostle John exiled on island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation.
96 Emperor Domitian died; Apostle John probably moved to Ephesus.
c.100 Apostle John died; he was the last Apostle to die.
390s NT canon "closed" at Councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397).
1200s Chapters added to the NT.
1500s Verses added to the NT.

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©2012, 2018 Mark Nickens