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The book of Hebrews


Place and Time of Writing

Unique Characteristic



More details about Hebrews

1. Jesus is greater than the angels: 1:4-2:18

2. Jesus is greater than Moses: chapter 3

3. Jesus’ priesthood is the greatest: chapters 4-7

4. Christ’s Covenant is greatest: chapter 8

5. Christ’s Sacrifice is greatest: 9-10:18

A shift happens

10:19 to end of the chapter

Chapter 11: Discussion of Faith

Chapters 12 & 13

Questions with answers

Timeline up to the book of Hebrews

Dates are approximate.

Year Event
63 B.C. Romans conquer Israel.
27 B.C. Pax Romana began and lasted until A.D. 180.
4 B.C. Jesus born.
All dates after this are A.D.
27 Jesus baptized.
30 Jesus was crucified, buried, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven.
Apostles travel to Jerusalem and choose Matthias to replace Judas as an Apostle.
Day of Pentecost: Peter assumes leadership of Christianity.
30-50 Peter was leader of Christianity.
33 Jesus appeared to Paul and Paul became a Christian.
48-50 Paul's First Missionary Trip.
50 Council of Jerusalem; Paul became one of the main Christian leaders.
50-55 Paul's Second Missionary Trip.
  51-53 Galatians, I & II Thessalonians, and I & II Corinthians written.
55-60 Paul's Third Missionary Trip.
  55 Romans written.
60-62 Paul arrested in Jerusalem and taken to Rome.
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon written while Paul was under house arrest in Rome.
62-63 (Not in Acts) Paul probably released from prison during this time.
63-65 (Not in Acts) Paul probably traveled. He may have gone to Spain.
  63 I Timothy and Titus written.
64 Fire in Rome and Christians persecuted by Emperor Nero.
65 II Timothy written.
(Not in Acts)Paul back in Rome; he and Peter arrested and martyred: Peter crucified upside down and Paul beheaded.
67 Gospel of Mark written.
68 Hebrews written.
70 Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Romans (it has not been rebuilt).
80 Gospels of Matthew and Luke written.
90 Gospel of John and book of Acts written.
95 Christians persecuted by Emperor Domitian; Apostle John exiled on island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation.
96 Emperor Domitian died; Apostle John probably moved to Ephesus.
100 Apostle John died; he was the last Apostle to die.
390's New Testament canon "closed" at Councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397).
1200's Chapters added to the New Testament.
1500's Verses added to the New Testament.

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©2016 Mark Nickens