Double Extreme Bible Trivia Test 5: Answers

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  1. Which Gospels end with Jesus telling the Apostles to go to the entire world and tell people about Him?

  2. In the Old Testament, what did God say his name was?

  3. Who preached the first Christian sermon?

  4. How many books in the Bible only have one chapter?

  5. Why were the Levites chosen to be priests of God?

  6. According to Genesis, how many days did God take to create everything?

  7. When the Jews were in the desert after leaving Egypt, God told them to take a census of the different tribes. (Numbers 1) Which was the largest tribe?

  8. Which was the smallest tribe?

  9. The shortest chapter is Psalm is also the shortest chapter in the Bible plus it is also the middle chapter in the Bible.  Which Psalm is it?

  10. Where was Abraham living when God told him to go to Canaan?

©2018 Mark Nickens