Double-Extreme Bible Trivia Test 4: Answers

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  1. What happened to Goliath's sword after David cut off Goliath's head? In other words, after Goliath was killed, what did the Jews do with his sword?

  2. Paul and Peter each had an amanuensis for some of their letters, that is, a type of secretary. We don’t know about all of their letters, but we do know the name of the amanuensis for one of Paul’s letters and one of Peter’s letters. Which letters are they, and who were the amanuenses?

  3. Who was the first person whose prophesy is included in the Bible?

  4. We know of one person from the Bible who went to heaven but was not baptized; who was that?

  5. Which of the Apostles had a twin?

  6. After Sarah died, Abraham remarried: what was his second wife’s name?

  7. How many children did she bear Abraham?

  8. What was Barnabas’ original name, and what Jewish tribe was he from?

  9. How old was Moses when he told Pharaoh to let the Jews go?

  10. Who were Peter’s partners in his fishing business?

©2017 Mark Nickens